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Easy Eats

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Easy Eats > Weeknight Fast : Weeknight Fast > Garam Masala-Spiced Roti Flatbread
Garam Masala-Spiced Roti Flatbread
Garam Masala-Spiced Roti Flatbread Garam Masala-Spiced Roti Flatbread
In India, roti refers a round unleavened flat bread. In the Caribbean, it resembled a flour tortilla and is usually served as a wrapping for a curried meat and vegetable filling.
PREP TIME: 15 Minutes
COOK TIME: 20 Minutes

3 cups flour
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon McCormick Garam Masala Blend
4 to 6 tablespoons olive oil, divided
3/4 to 1 cup water

Step 1  Step 1:
Mix flour, baking powder, salt and garam masala in large bowl. Stir in 2 tablespoons oil and enough water until dough is soft but not sticky
Step 2  Step 2:
Divide dough into 10 balls. Cover and let rest 5 minutes. Roll dough into very thin circles. Brush both sides with oil
Step 3  Step 3:
For each roti, heat 1 teaspoon oil in large skillet on medium heat. Cook roti 1 minute per side or until top starts to bubble

Serving Suggestion:

Nutritional Analysis (per serving)

Courtesy of McCormick

Easy Eats
On Hand Ingredients

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